Nose Thread Lifts Mayfair

At SAS Aesthetics, we offer a wide range of cutting-edge treatments in Mayfair and beyond. One of our most popular and requested treatments are Nose Thread Lifts, a premier choice for those yearning for a dramatic yet non-surgical makeover.

Experience Transformation Sans Surgery

When you choose our Nose Thread Lifts, you unlock an unparalleled way to morph the appearance of your nose without enduring the trauma of surgical rhinoplasties. 

This procedure begins with a comprehensive consultation with your SAS Aesthetics specialist in Mayfair, during which your desires and aesthetic goals are discussed to map out an ideal treatment plan.

How Nose Thread Lifts Work

During this minimally invasive treatment, our skilled team insert svelte, lightweight suture threads into the skin with the aid of a small cannula. Acting as internal scaffolding, these threads not only lift the nasal tip and straighten the bridge but also contract the overlying skin and soft tissues, resulting in a smaller, refined nose profile.

For individuals concerned about a sagging nose tip, stronger threads offer the perfect solution. They reinforce the columella, ensuring your nose maintains its elevated look even during dynamic changes like smiling.

Add-On Treatments for a Seamless Result

Supplementing Nose Thread Lifts with small doses of dermal fillers or botulinum toxin A can further enhance the final aesthetic. These techniques synergise to contour your nose, ensuring a harmonious balance with your other facial features.

What to Expect Post-Treatment

Post-procedure, you may experience minor discomfort and some swelling or bruising, which usually subsides within 24 to 72 hours. Within 7 to 10 days, the refined, uplifted appearance of your nose will be revealed. Our dedicated team are always on hand to provide aftercare advice, ensuring you maintain optimal results.

Promising Longevity with Less Risk

Nose Thread Lifts offer a less invasive alternative to surgical rhinoplasty. This treatment promises fewer complications and delivers results that typically last between 6 to 12 months. At SAS Aesthetics, our commitment is to deliver transformative, safe and sustainable aesthetic solutions.


We believe in delivering top-notch service without compromising on value. Our Nose Thread Lift treatment prices start from £750.

Whether you wish to lift a droopy nose tip, straighten a crooked bridge or subtly refine your overall nose profile, our Nose Thread Lifts can offer the perfect aesthetic solution. Reach out to SAS Aesthetics in Mayfair today and begin your journey to self-transformation.

At a Glance

At a Glance


Nose Thread Lift can cause slight soreness at the injection site and swelling is normal with bruising on occasion lasting 24-72 hours. 7-10 days healing until final result can be observed.

Treatment duration:

From 30 minutes.


Avoid smoking, alcohol, hot showers for 6 hours. Avoid pressure over the nose include the use of glasses and sunglasses for 7-10 days.

Results can last:

Between 6-12 months.

Common side effects:

Some bruising and swelling.

Treatment comfort:

Minimal pain, local anaesthetic injected to the treatment area.


From £750.

Nose Thread Lifts Mayfair

Nose Thread Lifts Mayfair

At SAS Aesthetics, we offer a wide range of cutting-edge treatments in Mayfair and beyond. One of our most popular and requested treatments are Nose Thread Lifts, a premier choice for those yearning for a dramatic yet non-surgical makeover.

Experience Transformation Sans Surgery

When you choose our Nose Thread Lifts, you unlock an unparalleled way to morph the appearance of your nose without enduring the trauma of surgical rhinoplasties. 

This procedure begins with a comprehensive consultation with your SAS Aesthetics specialist in Mayfair, during which your desires and aesthetic goals are discussed to map out an ideal treatment plan.

How Nose Thread Lifts Work

During this minimally invasive treatment, our skilled team insert svelte, lightweight suture threads into the skin with the aid of a small cannula. Acting as internal scaffolding, these threads not only lift the nasal tip and straighten the bridge but also contract the overlying skin and soft tissues, resulting in a smaller, refined nose profile.

For individuals concerned about a sagging nose tip, stronger threads offer the perfect solution. They reinforce the columella, ensuring your nose maintains its elevated look even during dynamic changes like smiling.

Add-On Treatments for a Seamless Result

Supplementing Nose Thread Lifts with small doses of dermal fillers or botulinum toxin A can further enhance the final aesthetic. These techniques synergise to contour your nose, ensuring a harmonious balance with your other facial features.

What to Expect Post-Treatment

Post-procedure, you may experience minor discomfort and some swelling or bruising, which usually subsides within 24 to 72 hours. Within 7 to 10 days, the refined, uplifted appearance of your nose will be revealed. Our dedicated team are always on hand to provide aftercare advice, ensuring you maintain optimal results.

Promising Longevity with Less Risk

Nose Thread Lifts offer a less invasive alternative to surgical rhinoplasty. This treatment promises fewer complications and delivers results that typically last between 6 to 12 months. At SAS Aesthetics, our commitment is to deliver transformative, safe and sustainable aesthetic solutions.


We believe in delivering top-notch service without compromising on value. Our Nose Thread Lift treatment prices start from £750.

Whether you wish to lift a droopy nose tip, straighten a crooked bridge or subtly refine your overall nose profile, our Nose Thread Lifts can offer the perfect aesthetic solution. Reach out to SAS Aesthetics in Mayfair today and begin your journey to self-transformation.

Treatments — Face
Nose Thread Lifts Mayfair side profile sas aesthetics

At a Glance

At a Glance


Nose Thread Lift can cause slight soreness at the injection site and swelling is normal with bruising on occasion lasting 24-72 hours. 7-10 days healing until final result can be observed.

Treatment duration:

From 30 minutes.


Avoid smoking, alcohol, hot showers for 6 hours. Avoid pressure over the nose include the use of glasses and sunglasses for 7-10 days.

Results can last:

Between 6-12 months.

Common side effects:

Some bruising and swelling.

Treatment comfort:

Minimal pain, local anaesthetic injected to the treatment area.


From £750.

Before / After

Before & After

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the Process?

Your journey begins with a chat with our SAS Aesthetics expert. During this session, we dive deep into your desires and expectations and tailor a treatment perfect for you. The actual procedure? Think ultra-fine suture threads introduced gently into the skin. 

These threads become the unsung heroes of your transformation, lifting and moulding the nose tip and bridge. As they dissolve naturally, they pave the way for collagen to take the lead, ensuring a long-lasting lift and sculpted appearance.

Concerned about Nose Tip Droopiness?

We get it. Over time, noses can get a tad droopy, especially when you’re flaunting that radiant smile. For these cases, we harness the power of stronger threads to give your nose that firm, youthful stance, regardless of facial dynamics.

Can I Combine Treatments?

Sometimes, the best results come from combining forces. Beyond the magic of threadlifts, we can incorporate dermal fillers or even a sprinkle of botulinum toxin A. This concoction ensures a well-rounded treatment approach, delicately fine-tuning your nose without resorting to surgery. The best part? Minimal risks, less downtime, and results that confidently last between 6 to 12 months.

Quick Facts
  • Downtime: Mild soreness or swelling might pay a visit, typically waving goodbye within 24 to 72 hours. Mark your calendar and count 7 to 10 days for the full reveal.
  • Duration: Grab a coffee, and in just 30 minutes, we’ll be done!
  • Aftercare: For the next 6 hours, skip the smokes, alcoholic beverages, and steamy showers. And remember, those chic glasses need a 7 to 10-day vacation.
  • Price: Starting at £750.
Why Choose Us?

You’ve heard about it, seen the results, and now you’re curious. With the rise in minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, our Nose Threadlift service in Mayfair stands out as a fan favourite. Perfect for those who dream of a refined nose profile without the intensive procedure of a surgical rhinoplasty.

Our Mayfair clients often ask about the pain. Thanks to our powerful Lidocaine-based numbing cream, most describe the procedure as a breeze. However, remember that choosing the right hands to sculpt your nose is crucial. 

With SAS Aesthetics, you’re not just choosing a treatment; you’re opting for experience, precision, and safety. Ready to embark on your Nose Threadlift journey in Mayfair? Let’s shape those dreams into reality.

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