Fox Eye Thread Lifts Mayfair

SAS Aesthetics are pioneers in delivering exceptional beauty treatments. One of our standout services is the Fox Eye Thread Lift in Mayfair, a sophisticated technique employed to invigorate the aesthetics of your eyes, providing a youthful and well-rested appearance.

Reimagining Facial Aesthetics

Fox Eye Thread Lifts aim to accentuate the natural beauty of your eyes by meticulously working on the space between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow, otherwise known as the SPS area. 

Our adept aesthetic professionals utilise ultra-light, dissolvable suture threads, skilfully inserted under the skin to gently lift and elongate the eyelid, outer eye and brow. 

This technique diminishes the signs of sagging skin around the eye area that may come with ageing or genetic predisposition, like hooded eyelids.

Refashioning Eyebrows, Elevating Cheekbones

In addition to giving your eyes a fresh, vibrant look, our Fox Eye Thread Lift service can subtly remodel the tail of your eyebrows, ingeniously creating an illusion of a wider eye and higher cheekbones.

Over time, the threads dissolve, yet they trigger an increase in collagen production around the area. This natural response aids in maintaining the lifted appearance while promoting long-term rejuvenation and firmness of the skin.

Customised Treatment Plan

Our team of dedicated professionals at SAS Aesthetics consider individual preferences and expectations. We provide bespoke treatment plans designed to assess your suitability and help you attain your desired look.

Efficiency and Comfort

The Fox Eye Thread Lift is a minimally invasive treatment performed under local anaesthetic, ensuring minimal discomfort. Typically, the procedure can be completed within an hour, with recovery time being relatively short.

The treatment effect usually lasts between 6-12 months with PDO threads or even up to 2-3 years with semi-permanent threads.

Post-Treatment Care

After the treatment, we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise for 7-10 days and refraining from applying makeup or skin irritants to the treated area for 2-3 days.


Pricing starts from £750. Rediscover your youthful allure with our Fox Eye Thread Lift service. SAS Aesthetics, where science meets art, are here to serve, enhancing your natural beauty and confidence.

At a Glance

At a Glance


Fox Eyes Thread Lift May Result In Slight soreness at the injection site. Swelling and bruising can occur on occasion lasting 24-72 hours depending on individual factors. 7-10 days healing.

Treatment duration:

From 30 minutes.


Avoid heavy exercise for 7-10 days, avoid makeup or skin irritant immediately over the treated area for 2-3 days.

Results can last:

12 months on average. Non-Permanent.

Common side effects:

Some bruising and swelling, possible headaches.

Treatment comfort:

Minimal pain, local anaesthetic injected to the treatment area.


From £750.

Fox Eye Thread Lifts Mayfair

Fox Eye Thread Lifts Mayfair

SAS Aesthetics are pioneers in delivering exceptional beauty treatments. One of our standout services is the Fox Eye Thread Lift in Mayfair, a sophisticated technique employed to invigorate the aesthetics of your eyes, providing a youthful and well-rested appearance.

Reimagining Facial Aesthetics

Fox Eye Thread Lifts aim to accentuate the natural beauty of your eyes by meticulously working on the space between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow, otherwise known as the SPS area. 

Our adept aesthetic professionals utilise ultra-light, dissolvable suture threads, skilfully inserted under the skin to gently lift and elongate the eyelid, outer eye and brow. 

This technique diminishes the signs of sagging skin around the eye area that may come with ageing or genetic predisposition, like hooded eyelids.

Refashioning Eyebrows, Elevating Cheekbones

In addition to giving your eyes a fresh, vibrant look, our Fox Eye Thread Lift service can subtly remodel the tail of your eyebrows, ingeniously creating an illusion of a wider eye and higher cheekbones.

Over time, the threads dissolve, yet they trigger an increase in collagen production around the area. This natural response aids in maintaining the lifted appearance while promoting long-term rejuvenation and firmness of the skin.

Customised Treatment Plan

Our team of dedicated professionals at SAS Aesthetics consider individual preferences and expectations. We provide bespoke treatment plans designed to assess your suitability and help you attain your desired look.

Efficiency and Comfort

The Fox Eye Thread Lift is a minimally invasive treatment performed under local anaesthetic, ensuring minimal discomfort. Typically, the procedure can be completed within an hour, with recovery time being relatively short.

The treatment effect usually lasts between 6-12 months with PDO threads or even up to 2-3 years with semi-permanent threads.

Post-Treatment Care

After the treatment, we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise for 7-10 days and refraining from applying makeup or skin irritants to the treated area for 2-3 days.


Pricing starts from £750. Rediscover your youthful allure with our Fox Eye Thread Lift service. SAS Aesthetics, where science meets art, are here to serve, enhancing your natural beauty and confidence.

Treatments — Face
Fox Eye Threadlifts Mayfair profile sas aesthetics

At a Glance

At a Glance


Fox Eyes Thread Lift May Result In Slight soreness at the injection site. Swelling and bruising can occur on occasion lasting 24-72 hours depending on individual factors. 7-10 days healing.

Treatment duration:

From 30 minutes.


Avoid heavy exercise for 7-10 days, avoid makeup or skin irritant immediately over the treated area for 2-3 days.

Results can last:

12 months on average. Non-Permanent.

Common side effects:

Some bruising and swelling, possible headaches.

Treatment comfort:

Minimal pain, local anaesthetic injected to the treatment area.


From £750.

Before / After

Before & After

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